

文章来源:网络作者:网友发布时间:2024-08-09 15:21:25


泰剧《逆转时光只为你》原著小说:Reverse 4 You。(作者:Zezeho)





I’ ve fallen passionately in love with you, even in my dreams.

And now, my feelings for you have spilled over into my waking life as well.

Even if you don’t notice, I wish I could stop time, only to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear.

As defined by the dictionary, ‘ time’ refers to an infinite period often expressed in moments, occasions, dates, months, years, and so on.

But what is time for you? Is it the most precious of commodities, or the memories that we create with others? Or do you believe that time is irreversible and uneditable and that we must carefully consider our actions before taking them?